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15th Mars 2021 Introducing Noemi Molina Cabeza, KTH’s Technical Manager for BoneFix

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

Leading the research efforts of the BoneFix team in work packages 1 and 3 is KTH’s technical manager, postdoc Noemi Molina Cabeza. Noemi joined KTH after finishing her PhD with Professor Perez-Inestrosa and Professor Vida at the Biomimetic Dendrimers and Photonic Laboratory at the University of Malaga, Spain, where she specialized in the synthesis of dendrimers and their potential applications in bioimaging, tissue regeneration and as diagnostic tools for allergic reactions. Her main focus during BoneFix is the development of the antibacterial hydrogel coating which will cover the fixation patch and protect the patient from surgical site infections. The coating will be constructed from heterofunctional dendritic-linear-dendritic (HF-DLD) structures based on bis-MPA and PEG based polymers; all of which are currently being synthesized as part of work package 1.

The high functionality of the proposed BoneFix technology is one of the most interesting aspects of the project for Noemi. “This novel approach aims not only at the fixation of fractures but tackles fundamental aspects of the recovery such as bone regeneration and post-surgical complications. Another important aspect is the fact that the components of the system are injectable mixtures that will be cured in situ, which provides a high versatility in treating different types of fractures where traditional approaches are limited.” In her free time, Noemi is a passionate reader and is finishing a bachelor’s degree in English studies, focusing on English literature.

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